Excerpts from

The Secret of the Ages
(Available in AudioBook, eBook & printed form)
by Robert Collier


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Book Description
Contains the complete unabridged, original set of Volumes 1 through 7. A series of books to give inspiration and opportunity to those middle class persons who are not poor enough for charity, nor rich enough to afford things themselves. The author intended to inspire, the kind of inspiration that makes a man go out and create his own opportunity. Yours is the world and everything in it!-


If you had more money than time, more millions than you knew how to spend, what would be your pet philanthropy? Libraries? Hospitals? Churches? Homes for the Blind, Crippled or Aged? Mine would be “Homes”—but not for the aged or infirm. For young married couples! I have often thought that, if ever I got into the “Philanthropic Billionaire” class, I’d like to start an Endowment Fund for helping young married couples over the rough spots in those first and second years of married life—especially the second year, when the real troubles come. Take a boy and a girl and a cozy little nest—add a cunning, healthy baby—and there’s nothing happier on God’s green footstool. But instead of a healthy babe, fill in a fretful, sickly baby—a warn, tired, worn-out little mother—a worried, dejected, heartsick father—and, there’s nothing more pitiful.

A nurse for a month, a few weeks at the shore or mountains, a “lift” on that heavy doctor’s bill—-any one of these things would spell H-E-A-V-E-N to that tiny family. But do they get it? Not often! And the reason? Because they are not poor enough for charity. They are not rich enough to afford it themselves. They belong to that great “Middle Class” which has to bear the burdens of both the poor and the rich—and take what is left for itself. It is to them that I should like to dedicate this book. If I cannot endow libraries or colleges for them, perhaps I can point the way to get all good gifts for them.

For men and women like them do not need “charity” — or even sympathy. What they do need is inspiration—and opportunity—the kind of inspiration that makes a man go out and create his own opportunity. And that, after all, is the greatest good one can do anyone. Few people appreciate free gifts. They are like the man whom admiring townsfolk presented with a watch. He looked it over critically for a minute. Then—”Where’s the chain?” he asked.

But a way to win for themselves the full measure of success they’ve dreamed of but almost stopped hoping for—that is something every young couple would welcome with open arms. And it is something that, if I can do it justice, will make the “Eternal Triangle” as rare as it is today common, for it will enable husband and wife to work together—not merely for domestic happiness, but for business success as well.


The World’s Greatest Discovery

“You can do as much as you think you can,

But you’ll never accomplish more;

If you’re afraid of yourself, young man,

There’s little for you in store.

For failure comes from the inside first,

It’s there if we only knew it,

And you can win, though you face the worst,

If you feel that you’re going to do it.


What, in your opinion, is the most significant discovery of this modern age? The finding of dinosaur eggs on the plains of Mongolia, laid—so scientists assert—some 10,000,000 years ago? The unearthing of the Tomb of Tutankh-Amen, with its matchless specimens of a bygone civilization? The radioactive time clock by which Professor Lane of Tufts College estimates the age of the earth at 1,250,000,000 years? Wireless? The Aeroplane? Man-made thunderbolts? No—not any of these. The really significant thing about them is that from all this vast research, from the study of all these bygone ages, men are for the first time beginning to get an understanding of that “Life Principle” which—somehow, some way—was brought to this earth thousands or millions of years ago. They are beginning to get an inkling of the infinite power it puts in their hands—to glimpse the untold possibilities it opens up.

This is the greatest discovery of modern times—that every man can call upon this “Life Principle” at will, that it is as much the servant of his mind as was ever Aladdin’s fabled “genie-of-the-lamp” of old; that he has but to understand it and work in harmony with it to get from it anything he may need— health or happiness, riches or success. To realize the truth of this, you have but to go back for a moment to the beginning of things.

In the Beginning

It matters not whether you believe that mankind dates back to the primitive ape-man of 500,000 years ago, or sprang fullgrown from the mind of the creator. In either event, there had to be a first cause—a creator. Some power had to bring to this earth the first germ of life, and the creation is no less wonderful if it started with the lowliest form of plant life and worked up through countless ages into the highest product of today’s civilization, than if the whole were created in six days.

In the beginning, this earth was just a fire mist—six thousand or a billion years ago—what does it matter which? The one thing that does matter is that some time, some way, there came to this planet the germ of life—the life principle that animates all nature—plant, animal, and man. If we accept the scientists’ version of it, the first form in which life appeared upon earth was the humble algae—a jelly-like mass that floated upon the waters. This, according to the scientists, was the beginning, the dawn of life upon the earth. Next came the first bit of animal life— the lowly amoeba, a sort of jelly fish, consisting of a single cell, without vertebrae, and with very little else to distinguish it from the water round about. But it had life—the first bit of animal life—and from that life, according to the scientists, we could trace everything we have and are today.

All the millions of forms and shapes and varieties of plants and animals that have since appeared are but different manifestations of life ——formed to meet differing conditions. For millions of years this “Life Germ” was threatened by every kind of danger—from floods, from earthquakes, from droughts, from desert heat, from glacial cold, from volcanic eruptions—but to it each new danger was merely an incentive to finding a new resource, to putting forth Life in some new shape.

To meet one set of needs, it formed the dinosaur—to meet another, the butterfly. Long before it worked up to man, we see its unlimited resourcefulness shown in a thousand ways. To escape danger in the water, it sought land. Pursued on land, it took to the air. To breathe in the sea, it developed gills. Stranded on land, it perfected lungs. To meet one kind of danger it grew a shell. For another, a sting. To protect itself from glacial cold, it grew fur, in temperate climates, hair. Subject to alternate heat and cold, it produced feathers. But ever, from the beginning, it showed its power to meet every changing condition, to answer every creature need.

Had it been possible to kill this “Life Idea,” it would have perished ages ago, when fire and flood, drought and famine followed each other in quick succession. But obstacles, misfortunes, cataclysms, were to it merely new opportunities to assert its power. In fact, it required obstacles to awaken it, to show its energy and resource.

The great reptiles, the monster beasts of antiquity passed on. But the “Life Principle” stayed, changing as each age changed, always developing, and always improving. Whatever power it was that brought this “Life Idea” to the earth, it came endowed with unlimited resource, unlimited energy, unlimited LIFE! No other force can defeat it. No obstacle can hold it back. All through the history of life and mankind you can see its directing intelligence—call it nature, call it providence, call it what you will—rising to meet every need of life.

The Purpose of Existence

No one can follow it down through the ages without realizing that the whole purpose of existence is GROWTH. Life is dynamic—not static. It is ever moving forward—not standing still. The one unpardonable sin of nature is to stand still, to stagnate. The Giganotosaurus, that was over a hundred feet long and as big as a house; the Tyrannosaurus, that had the strength of a locomotive and was the last word in frightfulness; the Pterodactyl or Flying Dragon—all the giant monsters of Prehistoric Ages—are gone. They ceased to serve a useful purpose. They did not know how to meet the changing conditions. They stood still—stagnated—while the life around them passed them by.

Egypt and Persia, Greece and Rome, all the great Empires of antiquity, perished when they ceased to grow. China built a wall about her and stood still for a thousand years. Today she is the football of the powers. In all nature, to cease to grow is to perish. It is for men and women who are not ready to stand still, who refuse to cease to grow, that this book is written. It will give you a clearer understanding of your own potentialities, show you how to work with and take advantage of the infinite energy all about you.

The terror of the man at the crossways, not knowing which road to take, will be no terror to you. Your future is of your own making. For the only law of infinite energy is the law of supply. The “Life Principle” is your principle. To survive, to win through, and to triumphantly surmount all obstacles has been its everyday practice since the beginning of time. It is no less resourceful now than ever it was. You have but to supply the urge, to work in harmony with it, to get from it anything you may need.

For if this “Life Principle” is so strong in the lowest forms of animal life that it can develop a shell or a poison to meet a need; if it can teach the bird to circle and dart, to balance and fly; if it can grow a new limb on a spider to replace a lost one, how much more can it do for you— a reasoning, rational being, with a mind able to work with this “Life Principle,” with an energy and an initiative to urge it on!

The evidence of this is all about you. Take up some violent form of exercise— rowing, tennis, and swimming, riding. In the beginning your muscles are weak, easily tired. But keep on for a few days. The “Life Principle” promptly strengthens them, toughens them, to meet their new need. Do rough manual labor—and what happens? The skin of your hands becomes tender, blisters, and hurts. Keep it up, and does the skin all wear off? On the contrary, the “Life Principle” provides extra thicknesses, extra toughness—calluses, we call them—to meet your need.

All through your daily life you will find this “Life Principle” steadily at work. Embrace it, work with it, take it to yourself, and there is nothing you cannot do. The mere fact that you have obstacles to overcome is in your favor, for when there is nothing to be done, when things run along too smoothly; this “Life Principle” seems to sleep. It is when you need it, when you call upon it urgently, that it is most on the job.

It differs from “Luck” in this, that fortune is a fickle jade that smiles most often on those who need her least. Stake your last penny on the turn of a card— have nothing between you and ruin but the spin of a wheel or the speed of a horse—and its a thousand to one “Luck” will desert you! But it is just the opposite with the “Life Principle.” As long as things run smoothly, as long as life flows along like a song, this “Life Principle” seems to slumber, secure in the knowledge that your affairs can take care of themselves.

But let things start going wrong, let ruin and disgrace stare you in the face— then is the time this “Life Principle” will assert itself if you but give it a chance.

The Secret of the Ages

Robert Collier


Over 3 hours of quality audio. Can easily be burned onto CD or DVD

(MP3 format audio files - suitable for any computer, digital audio players, i-pods, etc.)

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