(Complete set of 5 books in one)
by Robert Collier

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Book Description

This set of 5 books by Robert Collier was published in 1928 as a follow-up series to his highly successful "Secret of the Ages."
Robert Collier considered "The Life Magnet" to be his best work and far more complete and much farther advanced than "Secret of the Ages."

The prime purpose of "The Life Magnet" is to point out in plain language the way to harness the vast reserve power of this Giant Inside You—the way to use it to bring you whatever you want.

The Life Magnet treats of the same Psychology of Success, of Happiness and of Health as does The Secret of the Ages, but it carries the thought much farther along, and—even more important—it shows far more clearly how to APPLY these methods and principles to your everyday problems. In it are no mere theories—it takes you right down to the bed-rock of ACTUAL PRACTICE.

The Secret of attracting situations and circumstances in life was written about and spoken of by famous self-help authors and speakers such as Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale, and recently by Rhonda Byrne in her best-selling book entitled "The Secret", but never was it explained so plainly and clearly as in The Life Magnet by Robert Collier.

What This Books Will Do for You

"The Life Magnet" will show you how to get what you want--how to draw to yourself riches and power just as surely as the magnet draws to itself every filing of iron that comes within its reach. There is nothing of good you can ask for, that it cannot bring you.

Scientists tell us, you know, that all mankind is created equal--that the brain of one man is exactly the same as that of another. The only difference between a failure and a successful man is that the successful man's brain is more developed.

But here is the important part--These scientists tell us that no man has found the way to use more than one tenth of the giant power of his brain. And the prime purpose of "The Life Magnet" is to point out in plain language the way to harness the vast reserve power of this Giant Inside You--the way to use it to bring you whatever you want.

There are no vague theories in these books. They show you first just what is this giant unused power within you, then how to reach it and finally how to make it work for you every day and hour.

The electronic edition comprises of 5 seperate PDF eBooks. The printed version contains all 5 original books bound in one volume.

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or click here to order in printed form from for $29.95